
## grep
Select-String -Path .\sample.txt -Pattern "foo"

## count
(ipconfig | Select-String IPv4 | Measure-Object).Count

## find
ls -r | where { $_.Name -match "foo" }
ls | where { ($(Get-Date) - $_.LastWriteTime).Days -lt 30 } | where { $_.Length -gt 1KB }

## cat
Get-Content .\sample.txt

## sort | uniq
Get-Content .\sample.txt | Sort-Object | Get-Unique

## wc -l
$(cat .\sample.txt).Length

## diff
Compare-Object $(cat .\foo.txt) $(cat .\bar.txt)

## sed
Get-Content .\foo.txt | % { $_ -replace "posh", "PowerShell" }

## tail
Get-Content .\error.log -Wait
Get-Content .\error.log -Wait -Tail 5

## wget
(new-object net.webclient).DownloadFile("URL", "Output_Path")
Invoke-WebRequest http://localhost/vim.zip -OutFile .\vim.zip

## curl
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "http://localhost:54321/poshcomplete/" -Method POST -Body "text=test"

## unzip
[System.IO.Compression.Zipfile]::ExtractToDirectory("Zip_Path", "Extract_Path")

## xargs
ls .\ | % { cat $_.FullName }

## timer
$n = 3
timeout $($n * 60); shutdown -h

## calc
1 + 2 + [Math]::Pow(2, 10)

## size
gci .\ | where { $_.PSIsContainer } | % { Write-Host -NoNewline ($_.Name + "`t"); (gci $_.Name -Recurse | measure -Property Length -Sum).Sum; }

## history
Get-History | % { Out-File -InputObject $_.CommandLine -Encoding default -Append ~/foo.ps1 }

## eject
(New-Object -com WMPlayer.OCX.7).cdromCollection.Item(0).Eject()


Get-FileHash * -Algorithm SHA1
Get-FileHash * -Algorithm SHA256
Get-FileHash * -Algorithm SHA384
Get-FileHash * -Algorithm SHA512
Get-FileHash * -Algorithm MD5
dir | rename-item -newname { $_.name -replace '[0-9][0-9]', '' }
$ns = 1
$ne = 10
for ( $idx = $ns; $idx -le $ne; $idx++ ) {
  $num = $idx.ToString('000')
  $target = "sample" + $num + ".dat"
$path = "C:\Users\user\Desktop\project"
$regex = 'org'
$replace = 'rep'
Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Recurse | ? {
  Select-String -InputObject $_ -Pattern $regex
} | % {
  $file = $_
  $content = Get-Content -LiteralPath $file
  Set-Content $_.FullName ($content -replace $regex, $replace)
$path = "C:\Users\user\Desktop\project"
$array = dir $path
foreach ( $file in $array ) {
  echo $file
  (cat $file.FullName | Select-String "rep").Count

$array = @(100, 120, 300)
foreach ( $dat in $array ) {
  $sum += $dat
Write-Output $sum

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* Indicates required field

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  • Last modified: 2024/12/23 05:03
  • by Daiphys