Accretion Disk
Reynolds Number
Reynolds = Inertia Fources / Viscous Fources = FlowLength * FlowVelo / Viscosity
Reynolds » 1.00 :
- Viscosity is dynamically unimportant
- Viscosity plays essentially no role
- TLUSTY Viscosity = sqrt(GMR) / Reynolds
Reynolds « 1.00 :
- Viscous force dominates the flow
- TLUSTY Viscosity = alpha-disk model with GR
Reynolds > 10^{2-3} 程度になると乱流が起こる
乱流を取り入れた降着円盤のalpha-modelがShakura-Sunyaev (1973)
TurbReynolds = (FlowS/DiskH) * (AzimV/SoundV) / alpha = 10^{2-3} / alpha
The relation between alpha and Reynolds (Kriz & Hubeny 1986; Idan et al. 2010)
alpha = (KeplerianV/SoundV)^{2} / Reynolds = (RadialDist/Height)^{2} / Reynolds = 0.01 - 1.0 (order unity)
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